Posts Tagged ‘why won’t God answer my prayers?’

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The recent arrest of grammy-nominated gospel singer James Fortune is extremely unfortunate.

But, I’m not here to judge Mr. Fortune. I’m here to pray for him. The difficult points of people’s lives aren’t the times where we should give up on them, it’s the time when we must love them the most.

We don’t know anything about what exactly happened with Mr. Fortune that night. But, what I do know is that there’s a huge lesson we can all learn from his experience: there’s a reason why God waits to give us the desires of our hearts.

Let me explain. You see, I used to be extremely anxious about certain aspects of my life. The idea of having my next career move, my next boyfriend, etc. used to be things I would beg God for. I was always living for what I hoped to be the next part of my life instead of enjoying the present moment.

More often than not, God didn’t grant me the answers to these anxious prayer requests. And, truthfully, I’m glad He didn’t for one main reason: I wasn’t ready.

How often do we ask God for things then become frustrated by the very same blessings we begged Him to receive?

God doesn’t want to give us anything He desires for us until we’re ready to receive it. As we look at the many celebrities like James Fortune who run into calamity under the spotlight, we must be reminded that the greatest desires of our hearts all come with an even greater responsibility. So, instead of being mad with God because He won’t give you what you want, pray and ask yourself: Am I truly ready for this? 

There’s a time and season for everything. As God’s servants, the Lord takes pleasure in our delight. As we live in His will there will naturally be an overflow of blessings that follow. The point that we have to get to is understanding that the blessing is not the question. The real question is…will we be ready?

I do hope that Mr. Fortune remains uplifted during this time. Moreso, I hope that he understands that this blog is not to bash him, but to help others grow from his situation.

Mr. Fortune,

We are all praying for you. We love you. You’ve inspired millions across the world. Thank you for your sacrifice of privacy for the sake of sharing your gift with the world. We can now truly understand and appreciate the depth of what it takes to have your entire life exposed and ready for the world to see. We know you can get through this with God. Our prayers are with you. Stay strong and remember God will never leave you or forsake you. We’re here for you.

We love you,


My book, I Believe in God, Now What?, reveals my past battles with alcohol abuse, drug addiction, and rape in an effort to help others find forgiveness, love, and healing in Christ. Read more about my book here.  

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