Posts Tagged ‘hope’

I spent too much of my past dating hope.

I had exes who weren’t saved and weren’t living for God. But, I dated them with the “hope” that they would change.

I would think, “Maybe if I invite them to church, they’ll come around.”

I said God could work a miracle out of my exes. But, truthfully my hope wasn’t in God. My hope was in myself.

Ladies, we have got to stop dating hope. 

We have to learn the difference between being patient and lowering our standards.

You aren’t any man’s mother or Savior.

Yes, you should be patient with your future spouse. But, there are certain qualities a Godly man should already have prior to meeting you.

We have to stop playing God in our relationships. We have to stop making an idol out men.

Every push towards God should be God-ordained, not self-ordained.

When we try to force God on someone, we can actually cause them to not want God at all.

We should always pray for salvation in any man’s life. But, the call towards someone else’s salvation can’t be held on your shoulders.

One of the reasons God urges us not to be “unequally yoked” is because He knows dating a man without God will eventually pull you away from God. You can claim to be pulling him, but his ways are bound to influence you.

In Christian relationships, it’s the man’s responsibility to lead the woman, not the other way around (Ephesians 5:22). If you practice leading him now, you all will only follow that pattern in marriage.

It’s time to let God do the looking for you. It’s time to let God give you a man who is already together. It’s time to stop thinking you can’t do better.

When a Godly man comes your way, you won’t have to play mama or God in his life. Through Christ, that man will have the strength to pull you closer to God.

You can do better. Yes, you do deserve God’s best for your life.

Stop listening to fear.

Fear says, “I won’t be able to find anyone else.”

Faith says, “I have greater faith in God’s will than my own. Whatever He wants, I want.”

Choose faith, not fear. If God is leading you, you aren’t leading the relationship. Trust God. Let Him lead the way. If this blog inspired you, please use the share buttons below to inspire someone else.


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Final2635Ret…My FREE book sample, I Believe in God, Now What?, shares my many battles with depression, relationships, sex, rape, and addiction to help deepen your relationship with God. 

This book is sure to answer your questions about your single life and help you move further in your walk with Christ. 

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