Posts Tagged ‘Depression’

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Have you ever felt like God hates you?

“Why me? What am I doing wrong?” you might ask yourself

We’ve all been there, myself included. Just last week, I went through an instance at my job where I felt belittled. In my emotions, I allowed my thoughts to turn away from God.

“Why would you let me go through this?” I asked God. “Are you still near me?”

Thankfully, I turned my thoughts in a positive direction as I began to praise God and pray about the situation.

Your situation may be more intense compared to mine. You may be battling a divorce, job loss, a disease, a marriage, a relationship, death of a loved one, rape, abuse or molestation.

I’ve been there too. After getting raped two years ago, I blamed God and myself. I went through moments where I was so sure that God had forgotten about me.

But, He didn’t forget about me. And, regardless of your situation, He hasn’t forgotten about you either. God is always near His children. Even in our most difficult circumstances, His motive is still love, not hate. He is your creator, your Father, your Daddy, and your Protector-how could He hate you?

In the midst of your struggles, it’s most important to remember the following:

1) Are you saved? – If God doesn’t have your life, how can you blame Him for your problems? He can only takeover what He owns. God didn’t have my life when I was raped. So the people I surrounded myself with led my life down that path. It wasn’t my fault and it wasn’t God’s either. If He doesn’t own you, then your life is your own, not His. If you want Him to have your burdens, then you must give Him your life first by accepting His Son. Salvation is open to all of us.  Click here for the prayer of salvation.

2) Trials of Disobedience vs. Trials of Growth – There are times when we face trials because God needs us to grow in certain areas of our lives before moving us to the next level. There are other times that we face trials because we have stepped outside of God’s will. God never desires us to suffer which is why He gives us commands. He knows what’s down the path that’s not His. If we choose to step outside of His Word, alternate situations other than what He desires for us will naturally follow. It’s all about having faith in Him to make the right decision. The choice is ours to make.

3) Don’t Blame God – God is a God of love, not confusion or hate. If your in God’s will, your difficulties are there to mold you into greatness. Do you think President Obama never faces trials just because he lives in the White House? No! If anything, the President faces more trials because He is the President. Great callings cause for great amounts of patience. He’s got to prepare you for where you’re going!

4) Praise Him – You will watch a change in your situation occur when you just praise God through what you’re going through! I’m a living witness! Praising God through times of difficulty shows Him you won’t leave Him during times of richness. You’re learning to completely dedicate yourself to Him regardless of your circumstances.

5) Growth – You can either come out of this battle stronger or weaker. If you let the battle defeat you, that’s your choice. But, you can also choose to make it a time of growth. Imagine having a sense of peace where nothing bothers you! I know a lady like this at my church. Even through her mother’s death, she was smiling and praising God. She came out stronger and richer. Imagine having that kind of strength! Well, actually, you can have that kind of strength. The Holy Spirit that gives her strength is no different than the Holy Spirit in you. It’s up to the individual to exercise the God that’s in them.

6) Don’t Look Back. Keep moving forward. – Sometimes the enemy will use struggles to bring us back to our old ways. For example, when I’m in times of difficulty, the enemy loves to send images of wine my way because he knows I once struggled with abusive drinking (read about that here). Once you are saved and repent for your past, God is no longer looking at what’s behind you. Stay focused on what’s ahead. You can’t help what’s happened, but you can change what’s coming ahead. (Other blogs on this topic are below)

FREE GIVEAWAY: Get more inspirational Godly advice from the first two chapters of my book-absolutely FREE! Just subscribe to my blog! Subscribing is free and will give you instant access to all my posts! Subscribe now at the top right-hand side of the page. Read more about my book here.  

What do you do to cope in times of difficulty? Comment, share your thoughts, and share this post to help others (just click the links below)!

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Other Blogs on This Topic: How Jordone Overcame Depression, How Jordone Overcame Suicidal Thoughts


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I’ve been tempted with suicide more than once in my life.  I mostly recall having dark thoughts coming during my high school years of depression and isolation. As an outcast, I felt alone in the world.

Eventually I forgave, but the pain was still on my heart for a long while. I had insecurities and setbacks from the hurt I hadn’t let go of.

I can remember a time when I swallowed thirty plus pills of ibuprofen, hoping I would get someone’s attention or not be able to see the next day. By the grace of God, instead of killing myself, I threw every up single pill.


I believe that suicidal thoughts are more common than we believe. I even had a friend who recently decided to kill himself.

After opening up about my own previous battle, I have had friends and perfect strangers admit to me that they too once had a thought about not wanting to live anymore.

I’ve often heard people make statements like “I just want to shoot myself,” not knowing that a little seed is being planted in their hearts.

Even if you are thinking a statement like, “What I’m going through is too hard. Please Lord just take me now,” or “Why am I still here?” you should know that small thought has an ability to grow into an even larger action.

The point of this blog is to encourage you.

I want to let someone who is thinking thoughts like these to know that there is a tomorrow.

You do have a future in Christ and if you act upon your negative thoughts, you will never be able to experience all the wonderful blessings that God has for you.


As I look back on all that I have accomplished since swallowing those pills, I’m amazed at how much God has done in my life.

I can’t believe that at one point in time I was willing to make such a drastic decision. I’m happy I can use my past to be an inspiration to others.

No damage in your life is worth your life.

There is no distress or trouble worth taking your own life. Anxiety is not overcome through suicide.

The depression that once tried to take over me is now my testimony that God uses to inspire others. The same can happen for you.

Sometimes, God allows us to go through things to make us stronger. Other times, He allows us to experience situations so that we can be an encouragement to someone else who needs to hear our story.

Either way, I can promise you that a God so loving as One that gave His only Son for you is not one that is watching your ordeal simply to do so. He has a purpose. Your life has purpose. Out of the billions of people on this Earth, there is only one you.

If you leave prematurely, you will completely alter God’s intentions for the entire Earth because your purpose wasn’t fulfilled in the fashion He intended.

Your purpose is for you. Your life is for you. And you are special. Any other statement is a lie.

You have to fight suicidal thoughts with the Word of God and prayer. If you don’t know how to talk to God, click here to get my free devotional which teaches you how. Or, read my blog “How to Spend Time with God.” Also, check out my blog “4 ways to overcome depression”

If you feel the need to talk to someone, I will personally encourage you. We can talk and I will be the one to listen to you. We can pray together. We can help you get through this. My information is below. Please share this blog to pass the word along that tomorrow can be promised.

Want to learn more about how to grow closer to God?…

Then click here to get your copy of I Believe in God, Now What? (On sale for three dollars on Amazon) Or get the free book sample…

Final2635Ret…My FREE book sample, I Believe in God, Now What?, shares my many battles with a suicidal attempt, depression, relationships, sex, rape, and addiction to help deepen your relationship with God. 

This book is sure to answer your questions about your life and help you move further in your walk with Christ. 

To get the FREE book sample, click one of the following links:

Click here if you’d like to receive the book sample.

Click here if you’d like to receive the book sample plus the FREE 27 day daily devotionals (emails sent every weekday morning for 27 days straight).

To get your copy of I Believe in God, Now What? click here (On sale for three dollars on Amazon).


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I decided to be transparent with this blog because, as it has come to my attention, there are many people who have battled with depression at one point in their lives. There are also those that find themselves currently going through depression. Either way, I felt like my story could inspire someone who feels stuck in their emotions or is unsure whether anyone cares. If you feel that way, I want to let you know something, I care. Depression is quite common and Christians aren’t eliminated from its occurrence. Often times, people think, “I can’t be depressed, I go to church every Sunday, I have a beautiful family, I have this, I have that, I do this or I do that.” Depression doesn’t care about what you have or what you believe. Even the most optimistic person, such as myself, can find themselves so overwhelmed in their present circumstances that they forget about their faith and that which is truly necessary to get them through the day, love.

If you read my most recent blog post, you know that I found myself laid off a few months ago. As of now, I am still currently looking for a job. On top of that, I had to move back in with my parents. I have applied for numerous positions, some I was overqualified for and others I was under qualified for. Still, no positive results came in my inbox, only rejection letters.  I found myself extremely frustrated with God. “Why am I even in this position?,” I thought to myself. I had graduated Cum Laude, interned with CNN and other well known companies, and worked hard my entire life so that I wouldn’t find myself in a position like this. Then, I remembered something. I’m not “entitled” to anything in this world. Truthfully, none of us are.

Yes, having a job is nice and necessary to receive an income. However, a job is a gift, a blessing. It’s not something we are “entitled” to receive. The same goes for family, friends, a car, a house, a child, or whatever else has got you depressed and thinking you deserve more than what you already have. Truthfully, we don’t deserve any of what we have been given. Just because we work hard and are kind to others, it doesn’t mean we are “entitled” to anything from this world. This is why we must do things out of love and with passion, so that when a time comes for you to patiently wait on your next blessing, you won’t be surprised, because you did what you had to do out of love, not to receive anything in return.

Through my season of job searching, I have grown so much in faith through the Lord. Little things are just that to me now, little. I have a greater perspective on what’s important, love. The love I have from God, the love I have from my family who allows me to live at home rent free, the love I have from the relationships that have grown stronger through this experience, and the love I have learned to give whenever I am feeling down. If you are feeling depressed, the key to finding yourself again is to earnestly seek love. Find ways to love others stronger and find even more ways to love God wholeheartedly through your circumstance. The more I read God’s word and pray, the more I feel my spirit becoming stronger. I forget about the negatives and am able to better apply myself towards the positives. God is a God of love, He would never watch you go through what you are experiencing just for the sake of doing so. He has a purpose and His ways are far more wiser than ours, even when we don’t know what He’s doing. Trust Him.


 My book I Believe in God, Now What? reveals my past battles with alcohol abuse, weed addiction, and rape in an effort to help others find forgiveness, love, and healing in Christ. Read more about the book here.  

When you subscribe to my blog, you’ll get the first two chapters of my book absolutely free! Subscribing is free-just go to the top right hand side of the page.

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