Posts Tagged ‘Christ’

newdharmayoga.comI’m all to familiar with depression, discouragement, and lack of faith.

God has brought me out of the deepest feelings of sadness, suicidal thoughts, and lack of trust in Him.

How did He deliver me?


He delivered me through our time together.

Up until recently, the majority of my life was spent relying on other people’s relationships with God to encourage me.

I can recall getting really excited after someone encouraged me, gave me a prophecy, or delivered an awesome sermon.

But, in a matter of days I was back to my old depressed self. Or, if I wasn’t depressed, I was simply discouraged and battling how to trust God again.

Today, I’m a different person. My trust for God involves a continuous uninterrupted form of peace in my life. Yes, situations still come to knock me down. But, even though my situation hasn’t changed, I’ve changed. I’m a new creature.

How did I change? How did I learn how to stop doubting God permanently?


I put the time in.

I stopped relying on sermons for peace. Instead, I learned His character for myself.

Trust comes with time. You wouldn’t trust a stranger with your credit card because you don’t know them.

But, you might trust a good friend with your money because you know who they are. You only know who they are because you’ve spent ample time with them.

God is no different.

You aren’t going to trust Him if you haven’t spent enough time with Him.

Too many of us are going about trusting God the backwards way. We’re expecting too much of ourselves. We’re expecting ourselves to honestly trust God with our money, jobs, families, and everything else when we don’t even know who He is.

We haven’t put the time in.

When you spend enough time with God daily, you know Him. When you know Him-His love, His care, His protection-there’s no way not to trust Him.

So, I want you to spend more time with God. I want you to permanently get rid of discouragement, depression, anxiety, worry, fear, pride, weakness, and confusion.

I want you to stop listening to worldly doctors who say depression and sadness is only curable through medicine. I want you to have the peace God has for you. But, you have a part to play.

You’re going to have to put the time in to know Him. For a limited time, I’m offering resources about how to grow in God and read His Word.

Let’s start now. I’m starting a Jordonewrites Bible study challenge to spend time with God for 27 days straight. If you don’t know how to read God’s Word, read my Bible study tips by clicking here. 

There is no specific start date to join the challenge. You can join anytime! Click here to sign up. Click here to read how the challenge works.

Just a warning- Satan will try to make you too tired, too busy, and too whatever else.

The devil will use your past, negative influences, and anything else to keep you from participating. He wants you to think you’re not worthy to spend time with God. He can only keep you from your destiny if you allow him to. Don’t listen to him.

People make time for what’s important to them. So, your busy schedule is not an excuse. Do what you have to do to get your time in. Some days, I find myself up at 5 am in prayer. If I know I’m really sleepy, I’ll stand up and pray. (I’m not bragging…just giving examples to let you know it is possible).

Here are some tips as to how I spend my personal time with God:

1) Focus-Your mind shouldn’t be on your to-do list or schedule. You should only be focused on God. The Word of God has power. So, if you find yourself extremely distracted or worried, try reading God’s Word first before you pray. The power of His Word may help you to focus in on Him.

2) Prayer– Prayer is not a time where you go tell God what you want. Prayer is a time to find out what He wants. Then, you pray according to His will.

bible-studying-pen-paper-300x20011Another purpose of prayer is simply to get to know God better. When you know Him, you can trust Him. As you spend more time with Him, you become more like Him. Lately, my prayer time with God is completely silent. I’m just hanging out with Him without words. I’ll ask Him a question like, “Dad, what do you want to talk about?” Or, “God, what’s on your mind?” Sometimes, He answers. Most times, He doesn’t.


But, my silent moments with God are just as important as my talkative moments with Him.

Whether He’s silent or talking, things are happening through our time together simply because I’m in His presence. Words aren’t always needed in your time with God. So, don’t get too hung up on the fact that He’s not speaking back. You might hang out with your best friend for hours, not talk much, but still enjoy her company. God is the same way. Sometimes, He just wants us to enjoy His company. I might sit with Him for hours without Him ever answering back. But, once He leads me to be finished with prayer, I can tell our silent time was affective because I feel the peace and strength of His presence all in me.

3) The Word- After I’ve prayed for at least an hour or so, I’ll put out some scriptures. Read my blog post on how to read God’s Word. 

God may want you to read before you pray. Some days, He may lead you to pray for three, four, or five hours. Other times, you might feel led to turn off the TV or change your plans to be with Him. Be obedient to how He leads you! Spending time with God is such a peaceful, rewarding experience.

That’s it! Those are my tips! Very simple… yet, so life changing.

Please tell all your friends about the Bible study challenge! It’s a great way to make new Godly friends. You can even invite others to do a group Bible study at your home, dorm room, cafe, or campus building. Just make sure each day involves you having your own personal, uninterrupted time with Him. Give God time to speak to you alone.

Studies show that if you make something a habit for a certain period of time, it’ll remain a habit. So, after the 27 days…don’t stop! Keep going! Get all God has for you!

Reach out to me if you have questions!

I encourage you to look at the other blog I wrote on deepening your relationship with God (click here) for an even deeper understanding on spending time with God.

Click here to join the 27 day challenge!

Click here to read how the challenge works.

I’ll be writing other posts on hearing God’s voice so be sure to enter your email below to receive it in your inbox! I love you and I look forward to hearing your testimonies 🙂


Want to learn more about how to grow closer to God?…

Then click here to get your copy of I Believe in God, Now What? (ON SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME FOR 3 DOLLARS ON AMAZON!) Or get the free book sample…

Final2635Ret…My FREE book sample, I Believe in God, Now What?, shares my many battles with depression, relationships, sex, rape, and addiction to help deepen your relationship with God. 

This book is sure to answer your questions about your single life and help you move further in your walk with Christ. 

To get the FREE book sample, click one of the following links:

Click here if you’d like to receive the book sample.

Click here if you’d like to receive the book sample plus join the FREE 27 day Bible study challenge (emails sent every weekday morning for 27 days straight).

To get your copy of I Believe in God, Now What? click here (ON SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME FOR 3 DOLLARS ON AMAZON!).


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In my past, there was this one guy that I just knew God wanted to be my husband. I wanted a husband so bad that I confused God’s voice with my own. I thought God had told me this individual was “the one,” but He didn’t. It was simply my own desire. (Read about that experience by clicking here: “4 Ways To Tell He’ll Never Marry You”)

Actually, before building a relationship with God, I treated most of my life’s desires the same way: I assumed that if I wanted it, then God wanted it for me too.

I didn’t have a relationship with God outside of church service and I didn’t even know His voice, yet as soon as something came along that I wanted, it all of a sudden became “God’s will.”

The idea of using God’s name to support my wishes became normal. I would draft five year plans, receive job opportunities, and get into relationships without ever consulting God. I would assume that because a situation or person looked good, smelled nice, and seemed flattering, that it must be what God wanted for me. So, I would accept any open door that “looked good” and call it a “blessing.” I didn’t even know God’s voice for myself, so I hadn’t heard His opinion on what I chose to pursue. Yet, I was so sure it was “God’s will.”

Today, I have the blessing of knowing God’s voice. I can see a job opportunity that “looks” great, but I can be wise enough to know for myself whether or not it’s what He truly has for me.

As I look back on my life, I would love to know what God actually intended for me to have all those years I assumed His desires were my own. I would love to have avoided all those failed relationships and dead ends. I don’t want you to go down the same path I’ve been on, so here are three ways to truly get what you want from God:

1) Learn His Voice– God’s desires for your life are in a relationship with Him. The more you know Him, the easier it becomes to understand what He’s saying about your life. His voice is in His Word. Get in His Word and knowing His voice will follow.

2) Submit– God will not always want what you want. But, the blessing is that He will always have better for you than you can ever imagine for yourself. So, don’t be afraid to receive a “no” answer from God. Instead, trust and know that His “no” is either to protect you or prepare you for greater.

3) Only pray according to His will– I always ask God “what do you want to do about this situation?” I don’t pray something unless I’m praying according to God’s will. Prayer shouldn’t feel like the lottery-constantly guessing whether God will answer you. When you’ve been spending so much time with God, His wants become your wants. So, you naturally only want His desires for your life.

I used to smoke weed, have premarital sex, and live a life outside of God’s will, all while claiming I was pursuing goals and dreams for Him. Before claiming whether you’re doing something for God, ask yourself, “Does He have my life?”

Screen Shot 2015-02-15 at 7.04.29 PM 2Looking back on my past, I’m glad God cared enough to not give me what I thought I wanted! Now, I have even better. There’s not one piece of my life I’ve sacrificed for God that He hasn’t replaced with better! So, let go of whatever may be separating you from Him! I can promise you that the rewards are endless!

Be encouraged. God has greater for you than you can ever desire or want for yourself. But, you have to trust Him. He has to have your life before He can do anything with it. First, start with trusting Him and deepening your relationship with Him. Then, the life He has for you can follow.

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I used to be so eager to get married.

Every date that I went on-I was so sure they were the “one” before I even knew their last name! As soon as a guy would ask me for my number, I was ready to give them my body. I was insecure, lonely, and lacking a relationship with God. Instead of seeking God for the love I wanted, I tried to find it in men and sex.

The truth is: I was hungrier for a man than I was for God. I may have said I loved God, but my actions didn’t prove so.

I wasn’t ready for a man back then. Sure, I was going to church. But, God cares about our lives more than our church attendance. And, my life was a wreck!

Although God has blessed me to now be with the man I will soon marry, I was once in danger of not receiving him, simply because of my disobedience. I don’t want you to make those mistakes so here are the top things you can do to avoid blocking your own blessing:

1) Be hungrier for God than Marriage– God is a jealous God. I know it’s natural to spend all day thinking about your new boo, but God is not pleased with a mindset that focuses more on another man than it does Him. Being quick to move your mind away from God shows Him that you want a man more than Him. It also shows that you become easily distracted. If your mind is off God during your single life, how can you expect to stay focused on Him during the difficulties of married life?

2) Let Go of the Baggage – Communication with past exes is a no no! How can God open a door for a new relationship when you are still peeping through the cracks of the old one? (Read my past blog on this)

3) Submit – Be honest with yourself. What is holding you back from completely trusting God? Sex is not the way to a man’s heart, God is. The Bible is clear-wait until marriage. We can’t expect God to bless us when we only obey the parts of the Bible that our convenient for us. He wants our total devotion, not only part of it. Where do you cast your cares? If you are quicker to pick up a glass of wine than your Bible, then you may need to rethink your priorities. Yes, Jesus drank wine. But, He didn’t use it as a stress reliever.

4) Seek God Before the Date and in the Date– Too many of us blame God for our bad relationships. Yet, we didn’t even ask His opinion before pursuing that man! Ignore what you can see-God knows the heart. Get your eyes off his shiny new car and business suit and ask that man if he’s saved!

5) Wait on God– Patience is not just a action, it’s a mindset and an act of endurance. God may want that man for you but it’s got to be on His time, not yours. What are you doing while waiting? This time should be spent getting to know Him better, not out in the clubs searching for your husband. Get in the Word, pray, and sit still. Don’t take matters into your own hands. There’s nothing you can do for yourself that God can’t do better. Please, just be patient. It’s more than worth the wait! (Picture and other blogs on this topic are below)

What are your thoughts on the Christian single life? Comment and share your thoughts!

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Read more about my book by clicking here. 


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Other blogs on this topic: 

 How to Be Abstinent, Jordone’s past battles with alcohol and sex, Jordone’s past battles with weed and sex, Attraction vs. Love: What’s the Difference?, Is it Worth a Relationship?: Here’s How to Tell..


Me and my Eddie! We’ve been in a relationship for about a year now and plan on getting married! I know I wouldn’t have received him if I was still stuck on my own ways. Ladies, let go of the little that’s in your hand so God can give you so much more. It’s worth it!

Dear Virgins,

Today, I’d like to encourage you.

You see, its come to my attention that there are men out there who don’t know your worth.

I’m also aware that the media and society don’t appreciate you either.

So, I’m going to let you know just how great you are.

People mock you in movies-they call you weak and insignificant.

But, how can you be weak when you’ve had the courage to do what others didn’t? That’s not weakness-that’s bravery.

Let’s look at all you’ve had to face-temptation, criticism, and even harsh remarks from friends and family. Yet, you’ve still pressed on. You’ve kept going. You’ve defied the odds.

You may feel tired of waiting. You may even have moments where you no longer see the point of honoring God since no one else is. But, you’ve got to stay strong. Your story will be someone else’s strength.

Because of your courage, your one day spouse will look at God and say, “Wow, thank you for blessing me!” That man will know how great you are simply because of your ability to defy the odds. So, don’t lose hope! Keep pressing forward!

Whether you’re a virgin, or a born again virgin like myself, the spouse that God has for you will know your worth. If someone has proven they don’t know your value, thank them and keep moving. That’s nothing to be upset about. Be grateful that they’ve kept you from wasting anymore of your time. They’ve also helped you to appreciate and recognize who your future spouse is not. There’s no reason to be bitter about the past. Be appreciative for the experience and keep them in prayer.

This blog applies to any man or woman waiting on God’s perfect timing. You are worth the wait! You can hold on! I’m here to encourage you. Ignore the “scary” stories and women who say that waiting was a mistake. Their story is not yours! Follow God’s will and all else will follow. (Additional Scriptures on this topic are below) 

Did you find this blog inspirational? Then please share so it can inspire others! You never know someone’s story-your help could save someone’s life. Thanks for your support!

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Read more about my book by clicking here. 


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Scriptures on this topic:  “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time” – 1 Peter 5:6… “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” -Matthew 6:33 

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I want us to change the way we look at abuse.


Yes, abuse is physical or emotional harm that someone does against you.


However, an abusive relationship can also be one where you are allowing yourself to accept any treatment you don’t deserve. In this case, it’s not so much that a person is abusing you as much as it is that you are allowing yourself to be abused.


Let’s take for instance that a man is cheating on you. He’s a dog and you know it. Yet, each time he does it, you take him back. That’s abuse that you allow. An abusive relationship is not just one where you get beat up, it’s also one that you get taken advantage of. That person is abusing your kindness, your time, and your love towards them. And, to be honest, you’re allowing them to.


Before my life with God, I cheated and was cheated on. These types of relationships are so unhealthy and are filled with confusion. God is not the author of confusion. Where confusion is present, God is not. I had to get out of the messy life and relationships I was in. It began to affect my attitude about life. I only accepted this kind of treatment because of how I saw myself. I didn’t know God or my self-worth in Him. So, I settled for less than I was truly worth.


Many people fall into hurtful relationships and say, ‘why does love have to hurt?’


They become confused and lost about what love really is and eventually close themselves off from an opportunity to receive God’s blessings. Instead of forgiving, they hold that bondage in their hearts, only to hinder themselves from receiving the better that God has for them.


Let me tell you something, love does not and will not ever hurt. If you are in an abusive relationship or allowing yourself to be abused, that’s not love! That’s pain you are keeping on yourself by not removing yourself from the situation.


No, what’s happening to you is not your fault. No, you aren’t to blame. But, if you are choosing to stay in something that is hurtful and calling it “love,” you have no one else to blame but yourself. You have to get out. God is nowhere in that confusion because He’s not the author of confusion. He’s the author of love.


Nowhere in the Bible does it ever say anything about love being abusive, dishonest, or envious. In fact, it never says that love is a feeling either.

Love is an action. It’s a verb. You don’t feel love. You show love.


Love is not jealous, but “patient and kind.” (1 Corinthians 13:4).

So, if someone is doing you wrong but saying they love you they are lying because their actions don’t prove the words that are coming out of their mouths!


Stop accepting abuse. No, I’m not just talking about the abuse that leaves you beat up all over the face. Yes, that kind of abuse is just as bad and you certainly need to leave that type of relationship as well. But, for now, I’m talking about the abuse that you do to yourself! The moments you take a two-timing dog back, the mind tricks you allow him to play on your heart, and the blatant signs of cheating and flirting that you ignore because you don’t want to be alone! You are abusing yourself.


Do you know your worth? A Man died for you so that you could live! That is how much God loves you. If He did all that so that He could have your heart, do you really think He wants you to settle for the little you have in your hand now? Let it go! You’re worth more. You’re worth the serious commitment. You’re worth the wait. Move on.

My book I Believe in God, Now What? reveals my past battles with alcohol abuse, weed addiction, and rape in an effort to help others find forgiveness, love, and healing in Christ. Read more about the book here.  

When you subscribe to my blog, you’ll get the first two chapters of my book absolutely free! Subscribing is free-just go to the top right hand side of the page.

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So, you’ve been with your significant other for quite sometime now. You all have fun, finish each other’s sentences, and have phone conversations until 2 am.

Everything is going great. So, you decide you’re comfortable enough to reveal those details about your life that very few people know.

Initially, you’re glad that you decided to be honest with this person, but soon you realize they are beginning to act distant. Before you know it, they’ve broken up with you.

“I never should have told them that,” you tell yourself.

You go on crying for a few days as they ignore your calls and texts. Their actions lead you to believe you’ve done something wrong.

I’m here to tell you that you did not do anything wrong.

Everyone has some wrong they have done. At some point in time in our lives, we have all fallen short of the glory of God.

If you look at my other blogs  you can read about my battles with alcohol, fornication, and lust. Turning a new leaf, the Lord has used me to write about these experiences to be an inspiration to others who struggle with similar issues. Needless to say, my past is out on the Internet for the whole world to see.

Not only does my boyfriend support my blog, but he often helps me with the editing too! He’s not ashamed, he doesn’t beat me up, and not once has he ever thrown any of my past back in my face during a disagreement. He loves me for me, regardless of what I used to do. He values me based upon my worth in Christ and this scripture:


So, no you weren’t wrong to bring up your past with the one you thought you were going to be with. That’s what love does, it’s honest and upfront. Anyone who couldn’t accept that obviously wasn’t ready to love you back. They didn’t realize your worth or the worth of that relationship. They put their pride above everything else, and that’s not your fault.

A few quick tips to remember:

1)Don’t let that situation hinder you from being open again in the future. No one has the right to judge you except for God.

2)Thank them because they kept you from wasting anymore of your time than needed.

3)They have proven they aren’t marriage material. Marriage material realizes that mistakes of the past aren’t worth the relationship itself.

4) Most importantly, FORGIVE them. If you don’t forgive, you will only hurt yourself because you will take old baggage into a new relationship. As Christians, our forgiveness must happen immediately because that’s the same grace that God gives us. The hurt may take time to do away with, but the forgiveness must happen immediately. Give that hurt to God by seeking His Word wholeheartedly. That void can only be healed through Him, not other men or things.

Move on and be happy that they showed you their true colors before you wasted anymore time with them. True love and marriage requires work. That work requires both parties to be in the relationship for the long haul. If that person couldn’t even stay with you because of your past, do you really think they have what it takes to build a future with them?

My book I Believe in God, Now What? reveals my past battles with alcohol abuse, weed addiction, and rape in an effort to help others find forgiveness, love, and healing in Christ. Read more about the book here.  

When you subscribe to my blog, you’ll get the first two chapters of my book absolutely free! Subscribing is free-just go to the top right hand side of the page.

Did you find this blog inspirational? Then please share so it can inspire others! You never know someone’s story-your help could save someone’s life. Thanks for your support!




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Check out my writing about my experience with the Peace Corps Morocco, Africa program.




My boyfriend and I 

PS-I’m sorry that my blog did not go up this past Friday. I was at a Pinky Promise (abstinence and Godly conference) event that I will be blogging about soon! Love you guys and thank you for your patience.

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Yes, I know it’s hard. You’ve tried for months and years now to stop having sex. Yet, temptation seems to always find it’s way back to you.


I’ve been there. For me, that temptation was alcohol. (Read about it here). Before my relationship with God, drinking and partying had a tendency to lead to sex. Instead of channeling my low self-esteem into God, I was using worldly sources to attempt to solve my problems.


Of course, the alcohol, sex, and partying would pacify my pain, but the issues I hadn’t dealt with within myself were still there the next morning. This battle continued on for a lot of my life until I finally let go and gave my hurt and pain to God, only then did I have the strength to fight the temptation that kept coming my way.


If you want to stop something, you have to get to the root of the issue. You have to deal with the real problem. My problem wasn’t that I couldn’t stop having sex, it was that I hadn’t learned to value myself the way God did and still does. My low self-esteem is what led to the sex long before the temptation even came into the picture. Once I was able to identify the real problem, I knew how to really avoid the temptation.


So, what am I saying? I’m trying to tell you that if you want to win this battle over temptation, then you’re going to have to ask God to help you identify what the real problem is. You have to get to the root of the temptation, not just focus on the temptation itself. 


So, what keeps you from acting out on your desire to abstain? Maybe the root of your issue is addiction, past hurt, or the fact that you really don’t value God’s presence in your life as much as you think you do?


As Christians, our love for God has to go beyond Sunday morning worship. Our lives during the week have to reflect that we are spending personal time with Him if we are truly going to be ready when the battle appears. Personal time with God is how we learn to really value a relationship with Him. Purely going to Sunday services will not be enough to help you win this war.


So, I’m telling you right now to take your issues to God. Deal with you. Deal with the fact that you don’t like to look at yourself in the mirror. Deal with the fact that you don’t feel content unless a man is around. Deal with the fact that you don’t think you’re good, pretty, or smart enough. Handle your insecurities by giving them to God. If you want to be secure in things that God is asking you to do, you’re going to have to be secure in Him. Ask Him to help you see yourself how He sees you. Whenever you deal with the real issues and cancel those out, then having faith in God and knowing you can wait until marriage will be a lot easier. You won’t find yourself unable to fight temptation because you would have learned to deal with the real problems.

My book I Believe in God, Now What? reveals my past battles with alcohol abuse, weed addiction, and rape in an effort to help others find forgiveness, love, and healing in Christ. Read more about the book here.  

When you subscribe to my blog, you’ll get the first two chapters of my book absolutely free! Subscribing is free-just go to the top right hand side of the page.

Did you find this blog inspirational? Then please share so it can inspire others! You never know someone’s story-your help could save someone’s life. Thanks for your support!




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Check out my writing about my experience with the Peace Corps Morocco, Africa program.





“I don’t want a Relationship…Let’s Just ‘Chill’…”


Man, if I could count the number of times I heard a guy tell me a statement like that. We would like each other, have sex, and I would hope he would desire a relationship with me. Of course, it never worked out this way.


Like so many others, I desired the comfort of a relationship, but because I wasn’t going about it God’s way, it never worked out. The world’s way of relationships is to have sex, then get to know each other, chill (hanging out with no purpose or no intention to marry), and maybe somewhere down the line get into a relationship. God’s way of a relationship is the complete opposite.


When you are in a Godly relationship, you aren’t just dating just to date. You realize your time is worth more than just getting a free meal on a Friday night. You are courting with the idea that you two could possibly marry each other. You don’t have sex, because you understand that not having sex before marriage teaches you to sacrifice the desires of the self for what’s better for the relationship. It also teaches you how to have patience for one another. Although God’s way of having a relationship requires patience and trust in Him, anytime you commit to something the way God’s Word instructs, you will always have His favor and honor.


The truth about ‘chilling’ is that it’s another way for a man to say, “I’m not interested in a relationship with you.” He wants your time, your body, your vagina, and even your heart, but he’s unwilling to give you a commitment. Unfortunately, there are so many relationships like this. Like I once did, girls are settling everyday to the idea of ‘chilling’ instead of receiving what they are really worth.


I was once the biggest settler of them all. I was insecure, lonely, and had no relationship with God. I wanted a man around because it made me feel good. I made an idol out of men because I was looking for them to fill my voids instead of God. But, since my life was not right with God, my relationships always reflected that.


Do you want to know something? I had to learn this the hard way but I now know that the real man that God has for you would never settle for just ‘chilling’ with you. There is a guy who will know the moment he lays eyes on you that you could potentially be his wife. However, he won’t be the one who just wants your body, but doesn’t want to give you a commitment.


I can recall the moment my current boyfriend and I first confessed our feelings for each other. I originally told him that, although I liked him, I don’t think it’s going to work out because I was living under the false assumption that the Lord wanted me to be with someone else. Do you know what his reply was? He said, “whatever it takes, I’m going to wait on you.”


I was blown away by his response. Out of all the years before God that I accepted ‘chilling,’  I had never had a guy that not only wanted a genuine commitment, but was willing to wait at whatever precautions it took.


Today, we are 7 months happily courting in a Godly relationship. We aren’t ‘chilling,’ we know we want to marry each other. We aren’t together just to fill each other’s voids or loneliness. And, most importantly, we aren’t wasting each other’s time.

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My boyfriend and I enjoying some time at the lake last weekend. I’m so thankful the Lord taught me to get out of my mess before He blessed me with my one day husband. Check out his Godly blog here: or tweet him @eddiemasseyiii


I knew I would have never received my current boyfriend if I was still in the mindset of accepting having sex and ‘chilling’. I learned that if I wanted a Godly man who follows the Word and yearns after me, I was going to have show God that I can be that Godly woman too.


You are worth so much more than ‘chilling.’ You are worth the commitment. You are worth the wait. Trust me, God has so much for you. If you are in this situation, I pray that you let go of the little you have and open your hand for God to give you so much more. I love you. Have you ever experienced a similar situation? Tell me about it in the comment section below. Then, share this post to inspire another sister in need of encouragement.

Want to be prepared for your Godly husband and learn more about how God removed addiction, depression, and sex out of my single life?…

…Then get my FREE book sample…My book, I Believe in God, Now What?, shares my many battles with men, relationships, sex, and dating to help deepen your relationship with God. This book is sure to help you realize your true value in Christ and stop accepting less than you are worth. 

To get the FREE book sample, click one of the following links:

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Other blogs on this topic: 

1) Six Reasons to Let Him Go After the First Date

2) Honey, Your Vagina is Not Your Worth 

3) Why Won’t God Send You a Husband? 

4) The Top 5 Reasons Many Christian Women Stay Single

5) Is it Worth a Relationship…Or is it Just an Attraction?…Here’s How to Tell…