Book Testimonials


“Jordone knows how to express details about life that satisfies the needs of those who have something to say, but have no strength to raise their voices to declare it.

She is gracefully, yet stunningly real about her own life. Her gift of knowing which words will paint the most accurate portrait of her heart welcomes the reader comfortably into her world.

It is very refreshing and captivating to hear an aspect of a young Christian’s life, inclusive of the fears, anxieties and other humanistic behaviors that many omit when sharing about their walk with the Lord. She relayed a very powerful statement in her book: “My belief was in God, but my faith was in man.”

This one statement, very well worded I might add, is the firm crux and core of her entire message, while situational results throughout the book assuredly reveal how to place both belief and full faith in God.

Each chapter is an easy read and there are no boring lulls. The book is just the right size and showcases Jordone’s unique writing style and proverbial clarity by releasing only pertinent information that’s needed to fully understand her driving points. This book will be found valuable in the hands of teenagers and adults. It is written to relate cross-culturally and consistently displays a balanced tone of humility and confidence.

After reading this book, I believe that most people will find themselves reflecting on and bettering their own lives by strengthening their personal walk with the Lord.” 

Dr. Shane Wall is the Senior Pastor of The Feast of the Lord in Orangeburg, SC and author of “Understanding: All Success is Attained by It”. Follow him on twitter @Shane_Wall.

alveda King“Jordone Branch’s I BELIEVE IN GOD – NOW WHAT? is a question millennials are asking. The answers are powerful, potent and transformational.” Evangelist Alveda C. King, author and activist, and niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.

pp_152893 “Ms. Branch gives voice to the voiceless through this transparent testimony–a brave account of one of the most painful experiences she, or anyone for that matter, could face. It is an honest journey to forgiveness and the love that God requires us as Christians to bestow upon each other and non-believers.”




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