5 Prayers to Ask God Before Your Next Relationship

Posted: May 5, 2016 in Uncategorized

Photo source: prayer-power.com

I wish I had taken the time to pray before entering my past relationships. I would find myself in negative, insecure relationships where I would settle for less than I was worth.

Consequently, I would find myself receiving less than my value, not knowing who I was, and only looking for someone to fill my voids.

I learned that there are consequences to not consulting God before deciding to date someone, which is one of the reasons I’ve created the Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer Challenge, a free email devotional that will teach you how to have a stronger, more intimate prayer life with the Lord. IMG_5358

To be a part of the prayer challenge, click here.

You don’t have to make the same mistakes I did. You can learn the power of having a loving, deep relationship with God as He uses your prayer life to strengthen you and draw you closer to Him.

As you find yourself learning more about God’s love through prayer, you can learn to clearly His voice about any date, opportunity, or situation.

But, don’t seek a stronger prayer life just because you want God to bring you to your husband. Seek a stronger prayer life simply to know more about God, His love, and Who He is.

Once you become so in love with the time you spend with Him, a husband will be the furtherest thing from your mind.

I wish I had something like the Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer Challenge back when I was dating random guys just to feel good about my self-worth. After growing in the Lord and failing in numerous relationships that undermined my value, here are 5 prayers I’ve learned are important to pray before entering your next relationship:

  1. “Dad, how do you want me to pray about this situation?” – Before you pray anything below, be sure to ask God how He wants you to pray. Then, wait as He touches your heart. Taking the time to wait for a Word from God will give you an opportunity to pray specifically according to the situation. Click here to read my blog about how to hear God’s voice.
  2. “God, is this man’s heart for you?”Psalm 44:21 lets us know that God sees the secrets of men’s hearts and knows our hearts. Don’t assume someone is for God simply because they can quote scriptures. Let God save you a lot of heartache by giving you a man that is truly for Him.
  3. “God, only give me what You want” – Don’t settle by allowing yourself to have something God never even wanted for you. Wait for His best. Submit yourself to God’s desires, regardless of the outcome. Then, trust His leadership.
  4. “Dad, help me to see this man from your perspective” – Don’t get distracted by titles, income, or clothing. None of that can help you develop a loving, lasting relationship. Ask God to help you see that man from His perspective.
  5. “Lord is it the right timing for me to date this person?” – Before you pray any of the above, you need to be sure that the timing is right. God uses seasons of patience to mold, grow, and shape you into a Godly woman and future wife for His glory. Be sure you’re not rushing the growth process simply to walk down the aisle, or avoid loneliness or single life.

IBIGNW MockupThe Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer Challenge is a supplement to my book, I Believe in God, Now What?, which teaches you how to have a stronger, deeper relationship and prayer life with God.

Click here to get the free book sample and the free Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer Challenge devotional.

Then buy the book to continue deepening your relationship with Him.

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