Honey, Your Vagina is NOT Your Worth

Posted: November 9, 2014 in Christian Writing, Growth and Development, Miscellaneous, Society and Culture
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You love sex. Everything about an orgasm pleases you, especially that moment afterwards when his eyes roll back and you think you’ve won him over.

You think your vagina gives you the upper hand towards a man’s heart. So, not only does the sex please you, but it gives you a sense of self-worth.

You think you’re the Queen of the Nile and no one can tell you anything until that all too familiar moment when the guy proves he’s no more interested in you than the last girl he just dumped yesterday. You feel heart broken and eager for the next guy to fill that empty void in your heart. Your foolish ways keep you blinded to the fact that this endless cycle will lead to neither fulfillment nor a relationship, but only divorce, pregnancy, and more heart break. Can I tell you something that I had to learn the hard way? Please believe me when I say:

Honey, your worth is not in your vagina. 

You don’t have to open your legs to get a man to love you. Your body is a treasure, not a commodity. It was bought with a hefty price of blood as God’s only Son died so you would know your worth can only be found in Him, not men or sex.

I used to be you. I let guys run in and out of my life like shoes. I wanted marriage, they wanted sex. I wanted a ring, they wanted a fling. I didn’t know who I was, my Savior, or my worth, so I settled. I didn’t know my value was in the only One who can define me. And because I refused to conduct my relationships His way, they always failed.

“My daughter, why do you run after men who don’t know me to find your worth in pleasures only designed for marriage,” He would try to tell me. “I’m the author of that man’s life and the sex you use to gratify yourself. That relationship will never give you the love you’re truly worth because I’m the One who made his life. I know his heart and I want more for you than he ever could. Yet, you refuse to obey.”

Man, I wish I had listened. If God could come down off His throne to give you the tough love you refuse to accept you could clearly see He’s trying to tell you:

Honey, your worth is not in your vagina. 

I don’t care what Steve Harvey’s Think Like a Man says. That man is not God! There is no 90-day, 6-month, or 1-year mark on how long you should make a man wait before he “test drives your engine.” That’s not love, that’s manipulation. And this isn’t cars we’re talking about, it’s your life.

Sex is not a means to draw a man in to commit to you. It’s not a toy. Sex will only bring him to your body, not your heart. And waiting 90 days, or any days, to give it to him doesn’t guarantee he’ll stay with you.

Stop following the words and advice of people whose personal lives you’ve never even seen. Open your Bible and look to the One Who created you. He’s the only One you should be trusting. He wants what’s best for you.

Why does today’s world have so much divorce? Why are so many unloved kids born into families without fathers? Because the commitment lasted in the bedroom and not anything more. 

We refuse to obey God’s Word to wait but then we blame Him for our problems and the way the world looks.

Unfortunately, we don’t want the God that gives us the strength to wait. We want the “god” that pays our bills, takes care of our emergencies, and only asks for our attention for two hours on Sunday morning. But, that’s not serving God, that’s serving yourself and asking God to follow you.

God gives instructions for sex to protect you, not to hinder you. He isn’t about religion, He’s about a relationship. And the worth you are seeking can’t be found in the job, sex, or men you use to define yourself. It can only be found in a relationship with Him.

Yes, the number of men who will wait on you are rare. But that’s why they are treasures. If you honor God, and it’s His will, then that guy will show up. No, waiting isn’t easy, but how much success has doing it your own way truly brought you? Be honest with yourself-you don’t just want sex. You don’t want to “chill,” you want a commitment. And you should. You’re worth it.

God’s man for you is not the one who makes you feel like you have to pull down your panties to make him stay and beat the competition! Girl, if that man really cared for you there would be no competition!

Great sex doesn’t win men’s hearts. It wins their penises, their STD’s, and their baby daddy drama. Only God wins men’s hearts, and if you want a successful relationship you’ll start going to Him first so He can win the man for you.

I hope you now understand what I mean when I say:

Honey, your vagina is not your worth. 

Your female parts don’t come with a bar code or a price sticker because there’s no amount of money that defines your value. You were bought with someone’s life: Jesus. He is your worth. He will give you more fulfillment than any orgasm, man, or title ever can. He’s longing for you. Trust Him. He won’t let you down. If God can deliver me from my insecure promiscuity and into the arms of a Godly relationship then He can do it for anyone. I’m here to encourage you! Message or comment below if you need me! As always, please share the love of this post with someone else.

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Other blogs on this topic: 

1) “I Don’t Want a Relationship, Let’s Just Chill”…Here’s the Truth About Statements Like That

2) 6 Reasons to Let him Go After the First Date

3) Why Won’t God Send You a Husband?

4) How to Be Abstinent

5) Is it Worth a Relationship Or it Just an Attraction?: Here’s How to Tell..

6) The Top 6 Ways to Tell if You’re Settling in Your Relationship

7) Why a Spouse Can Never Be Your Everything


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