If You’re A Virgin or Considering Abstinence, Read This:

Posted: September 29, 2014 in Christian Writing, Growth and Development, Miscellaneous, Society and Culture
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Dear Virgins,

Today, I’d like to encourage you.

You see, its come to my attention that there are men out there who don’t know your worth.

I’m also aware that the media and society don’t appreciate you either.

So, I’m going to let you know just how great you are.

People mock you in movies-they call you weak and insignificant.

But, how can you be weak when you’ve had the courage to do what others didn’t? That’s not weakness-that’s bravery.

Let’s look at all you’ve had to face-temptation, criticism, and even harsh remarks from friends and family. Yet, you’ve still pressed on. You’ve kept going. You’ve defied the odds.

You may feel tired of waiting. You may even have moments where you no longer see the point of honoring God since no one else is. But, you’ve got to stay strong. Your story will be someone else’s strength.

Because of your courage, your one day spouse will look at God and say, “Wow, thank you for blessing me!” That man will know how great you are simply because of your ability to defy the odds. So, don’t lose hope! Keep pressing forward!

Whether you’re a virgin, or a born again virgin like myself, the spouse that God has for you will know your worth. If someone has proven they don’t know your value, thank them and keep moving. That’s nothing to be upset about. Be grateful that they’ve kept you from wasting anymore of your time. They’ve also helped you to appreciate and recognize who your future spouse is not. There’s no reason to be bitter about the past. Be appreciative for the experience and keep them in prayer.

This blog applies to any man or woman waiting on God’s perfect timing. You are worth the wait! You can hold on! I’m here to encourage you. Ignore the “scary” stories and women who say that waiting was a mistake. Their story is not yours! Follow God’s will and all else will follow. (Additional Scriptures on this topic are below) 

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Scriptures on this topic:  “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time” – 1 Peter 5:6… “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” -Matthew 6:33 

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